Gemma Davidson, ” she answered, her voice as groggy as I felt. “Where are you?” I asked. “Who is this?” “Elvis.” “What time is it?” “Hammer time?” “Charley.” “Did you text me? Did your car break down?” “No and no. Why are you doing this to me?” She was funny. “Check your cell.” I heard a loud, sleepy sigh, some rustling of sheets, then, “It won’t come on.” “Not at all?” “No. What did you do to it?” “I ate it for breakfast. Check the battery compartment.” “Where the hell is that?” “Um, behind the battery door.” “Are you punking me?” I heard her fumbling with the phone. “Gem, if I was going to punk you, I wouldn't simply turn off your phone. I would pour honey in your hair while you slept. Or, you know, something like that.” “That was you?” she asked, appalled. . Darynda Jones
About This Quote

The phone had been dead for a while. I had been working on a project and then went to the site where I was going to meet a friend for a drink. When I got there, she wasn't there. So, I spent the night at the bar, drinking and texting her.

It was a good way to end my long work day. The next day, her phone was dead again so she asked me if I'd done anything to it. When she said no, I didn't believe her so I checked for myself.

She was right, so I told her about the night before and how drunk I'd been at the bar. And how stupid it would have been to have done anything to her phone while she was asleep.

Source: Third Grave Dead Ahead

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